Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Twelve Months And No Platform: Amateur Hour

Iffy emulates Dalton McGuinty in adopting the OLO ideas.

Man In The Arena. I lifted a quotation from Theodore Roosevelt  highlighing a disturbing pattern by the official opposition since losing power in 2006.  How did the Liberals spend their Fall in Parliament after their Sudbury decision to vote non-confidence for the first time in 2009? A very light review of a few stories

Liberals Safety Net: Liberal Senators 

Without the Senate to act as the official opposition anymore, will who will act as the official opposition?

The Role of the Opposition

In Canada, the party with the greatest number of elected representatives that is not the governing party becomes Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.  This party takes the lead in holding the Government accountable for its policies and actions.  The leader of this party becomes the leader of the Official Opposition, sitting directly across from the Prime Minister.  The duty of the Official Opposition and other opposition parties is to “challenge” government policies and suggest improvements, and present an alternative to the current Government’s policy agenda.
Opposition members have various opportunities to influence the formulation of laws and policies, including the daily Question Period in the House of Commons.  The Opposition is allocated 20 “Opposition Days” or “Supply Days” each calendar year when it can propose a motion for debate and criticize the Government on issues of broad national policy.  Members of opposition parties also serve on parliamentary committees in both the Senate and the House of Commons.
In the Senate, the Opposition often plays a less partisan role.  The Leader of the Opposition in the Senate leads the Opposition in debate, coordinates its daily activities and confers with the Leader of the Government in the Senate on its business.  The Leader of the Opposition, like the Leader of the Government, is an ex officio member of all standing committees and helps coordinate party strategy.

Man In The Arena -Being Critical Is Not Enough

In January 2009, Farewell University Tour Fails To Inspire Ideas. (Promises No Plan Extended)

At the eleventh and last stop on his cross-country tour of university campuses the Liberal leader reiterated the broad strokes of his long term agenda: to make Canada the best educated, most energy efficient and most internationally-attuned country in the world.
  1. Early Education (Dalton's Plan)  vs Reality Check here
  2. Energy Efficient (Dalton's Green Plan) vs Reality Check here
  3. Internationally-attuned country (No clue, sounds like backpedalling on the unequivocal support for Israel)
But he offered no precision on how a Liberal government would dig the country out from under the massive $56 billion deficit racked up over the past year - the crucial question that will determine what, if any, big ticket promises Ignatieff will be able to make in an eventual election platform.
Nor was there any word on whether a Liberal government would keep spending to goose a recovery that is producing precious few new jobs to offset employment that disappeared during the recession.

December 2009
68.9% of Canadians give The Government and PM a passing grade

Canadians are starting to slowly come out of a deep recession which took hold for most of 2009. Canadians asked those from all levels of government to work together and get it done.  For the majority of Canadians they did NOT lose their jobs or their houses. Most of the damage was felt in Ontario's manufacturing industry. As the U.S. economy picks up steam again our trade with our largest partner has recovered.

 November 2009

When did our traditional Media, oppositon parties lose their Moral Compass?

Our mainstream media and opposition parties are incapable of putting aside their own agenda when our PM is at home or on the world stage. In tribute to the dedication and hardwork done by everyone our government is doing the heavy lifting in all the communities locally and abroad. Expanding trade, apologizing for tragic events in our history, and  reducing a headtax imposed by the Liberals in 1995. The CPC are working diligently winning the hearts and minds of all Canadians.

If the traditional media does not cooperate to provide a balanced view, this government has demostrated they are not relying on the MSM gatekeepers in Canada. I have included two examples on non traditional media. Ethnic Media and Social Networking Digg (edited the CTV headline).

There were thousands and thousands of people to see the Canadian prime minister. Seeing this welcome in my hometown, I told his executive assistant (Jeremy Hunt) that the PM is more popular here than the fifth Beatle. There was so much response and energy.'' Dr BIRINDER SINGH AHLUWALIA

In 2006, the new Conservative government not only cut the right of landing fee to half, but also allocated $108 million for the settlement of new immigrants and opened the referral office for the recognition of foreign credentials. Prime Minister Stephen Harper also offered an apology to the Canadian-Chinese community for the discriminatory head tax imposed on South Asians from 1893 to 1923.   During the Baisakhi celebration in the Canadian Parliament last month, Stephen Harper announced: “As Canadians we believe we learn from history, but we are not enslaved by it. We put old arguments behind us, in order to focus on the challenges and opportunities that lie before us. I especially know that Canadians of Sikh faith will always be leaders in the effort to move Canada forward, unified, strong and free” The Sikh Bulletin


Headline -CTV

October 2009
The Nowhere Man  moved quickly to douse dangerous speculation -- advanced in a credible Canadian Press story this week -- that he was prepared to engage in what one anonymous senior Liberal called "an adult conversation" with voters over the worrying economic future. Adult conversation. Woo. Risky.

"He doesn't believe he can develop a plan to get us out of this mess, until you know what the real numbers are. That is where we are and there's no strategy beyond that."-Jill Fairbrother ( ex-communications Chief for Liberals)


The_Iceman said...

No graphs? Come on man, you have created expectations!

CanadianSense said...


How do I graph the Liberals refusing to have an adult conversation for over a year?

My bad, your the Math whiz, give me an idea how to provide a picture on an empty suit.

Unknown said...

Plot specific policy alternatives (not motherhood waffle) offered/month. Use negative numbers for policies backtracked from if offered.

CanadianSense said...


Do you mean like the National Daycare Policy offered by the Liberals after 10 months of Iggy at the helm vs 2006

HRSDC/Check Your Mailboxes: Universal Child Care Benefit Cheques have Been Sent

Article from: CCNMatthews Newswire Article date:
July 20, 2006 CopyrightCopyright 2006 CCNMatthews Newswire. Provided by ProQuest LLC. (Hide copyright information)

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - July 20, 2006) - The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, today announced that the first Universal Child Care Benefit cheques have been mailed and that families across Canada should start receiving them this week.

"Families will be able to use the Universal Child Care Benefit to help their children as they see fit," said Minister Finley. "For some parents, this might mean using the benefit to pay part of their child care fees. A parent who stays at home may want to use it on a preschool program or for occasional care by a friend or neighbour."

The Universal Child Care Benefit is a new form of direct financial assistance ...

L said...

Iggy's problem is that his "mentor" on "how to be an effective opposition leader" was Dion. He thinks his job is to oppose the government. He has spent a lifetime criticizing the work of people who "do things". The Liberals are also terrified that Harper would "steal" any real ideas for improvement and have them implemented before The Liberals could cost them.

CanadianSense said...

How do you demostrate your competency as the government in waiting?

Asking tough questions is not enough.

On every issue the CPC are leading followed with the NDP in second.

The numbers on his leadership have plummeted in 2009.

Calgary Junkie said...

If the Liberal Party ceased to exist, would anybody notice ???

I mean really. They could be replaced by about four Lib bloggers, easy.

It's all just incessant nitpicking, demonizing, fearmongering and boilerplate Lib rhetoric.

We get new stuff about once a month, like "I'm going to look at jobs before I look at the deficit".

Oooooohhhhh, impressive.

Patrick Ross said...

Keeping in mind that this is also a guy who was bound and determined to defeat the government back in September of last year, it's rather curious that he seems to have no platform.

CanadianSense said...

Patrick Ross,

Exactly. They are unwilling to discuss their developed platform until the 5 days before the writ is dropped


They have No Plan or solution as per the former communication chief alluded.