Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Liberal Party of Canada: WKRP In Cincinnati

American Sitcom:  Promotions Publicity Lessons for Liberals
As 2010 comes to a close it would be safe to conclude the recruiting of Michael Ignatieff from the United States  to succeed Paul Martin as PM, canceling a leadership contest for May 2009 was as successful as the WKRP In Cincinnati - Thanksgiving promotion. The American sitcom ran from 1978-1982.  In this episode ART "Big Guy" Carlson the owner of the radio station was instrumental in planning this promotion. It was called Turkey's Away.  Enjoy!

Mr. Ignatieff has also changed since entering public office. He's more relaxed, less inclined to play the visiting professor talking down to a nation of dull-witted students. But he's got some tough selling to do. For one thing, the "big broad tent" of Liberalism has been reduced to the city of Toronto and a few outposts in Vancouver and Montreal. Liberals still claim to be a national party but have a tough time proving it. Their one-time dominance of Quebec is long gone, meaning they actually have to compete seriously in other parts of the country. Even Toronto, its final stronghold, appears under threat by a suburban revolt represented by the florid new mayor, Rob Ford, who thinks "average Canadian" means Don Cherry.
Mr. Ignatieff also has an argument with a hole in it. If the Liberal agenda is in such great demand, why does he have to sell it so hard? If Canadians are so fervently demanding an alternative, how come the polls after five years of Tory government are almost exactly where they were at the start? It suggests the diagnosis may be correct, but the remedy is faulty. Canadians may indeed want something different, but the Liberals evidently aren't it.
Mr. Ignatieff is preaching "investment" in social programs at a time Canadians show every sign of being tapped out. Again and again in his own year-end CTV interview, Mr. Harper identified the economy as the overriding issue, and reminded Canadians they've done pretty well under Tory stewardship.-Kelly McParland

"It just shows the strength of the Tory positioning because they're seen as the best on the biggest issue," he said. "The Liberals haven't found an issue, but the Tories have a 20 to 25 per cent advantage on just about every economic question you want to ask."-Darrel Bricker Ispos Ried

H/T Nicola Timmerman on Ignatieff

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