Friday, November 06, 2009

Liberals unraveling before our eyes: How the Great Conservative Conspiracy stole Canada

Liberals are being played like "fool" looking for evil at every opportunity. The latest "faux" scandal they are now attacking VANOC over the Torch Relay. Earlier it was the Olympic logo.

November 06, 2009 - Kelly McParland

Nevermind the logic of the map, or the fact that the torch route was worked out by the Vancouver Olympic committee, not by the federal government, or the fact that planning began four years ago, when no one had any idea which party would be in power today. If you're a Liberal, and it rains on the weekend, it's because the Conservatives run the weather office.

Don Martin: Liberal torch paranoia flames up

Don Martin, National Post  Published: Thursday, November 05, 2009

MP who has won the most pitstops of them -- a medal-worthy six events spread over four days. Why, that's Nathan Cullen, representing 91,000 people in the northwestern wilderness of B.C.. And last I looked, Mr. Cullen was a loud and proud New Democrat.

Why Smart People Do Stupid Things
Intelligence by itself doesn’t make you rational. Thinking rationally demands mental skills that some of us don’t have and many of us don’t use
Kurt Kliener

Or consider this problem. There’s a disease outbreak expected to kill 600 people if no action is taken. There are two treatment options. Option A will save 200 people. Option B gives a one-third probability that 600 people will be saved, and a two-thirds probability that no one will be saved. Most people choose A. It’s better to guarantee that 200 people be saved than to risk everyone dying.
But ask the question this way – Option A means 400 people will die. Option B gives a one-third probability that no one will die and two-thirds probability that 600 will die – and most people choose B. They’ll risk killing everyone on the lesser chance of saving everyone.
The trouble, from a rational standpoint, is that the two scenarios are identical. All that’s different is that the question is restated to emphasize the 400 certain deaths from Option A, rather than the 200 lives saved. This is called the “framing effect.” It shows that how a question is asked dramatically affects the answer, and can even lead to a contradictory answer.

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