Monday, December 07, 2009

Who is going to pay for Cap & Trade: Transfer of Wealth from Rich to Poor

Federal Government Canada

But the environment minister stressed that the controversy over the emails does not change his belief in the science of climate change.
"I believe in the integrity of science. I've spoken strongly about this when I was industry minister, and I've spoken strongly about this to the scientists at Environment Canada," Prentice said.
"We respect scientists. And the fundamental responsibility of a scientist is to produce empirical results that are accurate, reliable, with integrity.
"You can't start to gerrymander science and you can't start to achieve science by consensus or it's no longer science. It becomes orthodoxy, or something else."

BBC Poll

Along with India, the US is the nation least likely to regard climate change as a “very serious” problem, with only 45% of Americans viewing it in that light. One in four (25%) regards it as “not very” or “not at all” serious—again, the highest proportion of all countries polled. The USA is also the country with the highest proportion opposing any international agreement at Copenhagen (14%)—although the proportion looking for a leadership role from their government is also slightly above average (46%), though lower than in most other developed nations. Americans are third only to Pakistanis and Filipinos in their level of opposition to government investments to address climate change that might hurt the economy (42%).
In Canada, while relatively few (compared to the USA) consider climate change not to be a serious problem (11%), the number regarding it as “very serious” is below average at 58%. Despite this, Canada is among the countries most supportive of a strong leadership role for their government in setting ambitious targets to address climate change at Copenhagen, with 61% in favour. The level of opposition to the government making investments to address climate change even if these damage the economy is also much lower than in the USA, and below the international average, at 26%, with 69% supporting such investments.

Follow the money trail of who is investing in the Cap & Trade Carbon Market. BBC, Econuts, Chantal suggest some Canadian voters may support more taxes through a more agressive Green Plan. Here, states otherwise. Best of luck asking the middle class to pay more for their "heating bills" to help developing countries. Where is Jack Layton leader of the NDP, his crusade to stop an unnecessary tax and protect the middle class?

Alot of Big Money is tied to securing a financial deal to transfer $ 10 Billion on an annual basis. Who is going to pay for the AGW Ponzi Plan?

If the US is responsible for 40% of AGW Plan, are the Democrats going to pass a transfer $ 4 Billion annually in congress?

Is Canada being asked to contribute $ 200 -$ 300 million on an annual basis for their two per cent contribution to the AGW plan?

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