Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Liberals: Voters Are Just Not Into You.

The demise and downward trend has been since 2001. General Election Results ONLY. Perhaps the Liberal fortunes are tied to the Global Warming Scheme Kyoto to implement a Cap & Trade Wealth Transfer agreement, Carbon Tax Agenda by socialists.

Martin, Dion, and Michael Ignatieff all have followed the trend of weakening the Liberal Brand outside Toronto. Both Harper and Layton increased their numbers of seats since becoming leaders of their party.

The Liberals mishandled many key issues: the Nuclear Industry, Isotopes (Maple Reactors), Detainee Policy, EI Surplus and Social Contract (Equalization Transfers) when they took office. Canadian voters continue to abandon the Liberal Party for other political parties.

The thirteen dark years of Liberals ended in 2006, a new period with a right of centre party firmly in control.

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