Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Pollsters April 2010 Round Up

Here is a summary of the Polls April 2010
Democratic Space has an interesting site that includes seat projections here.
A partisan Liberal blogger that I visit is here and include a May projection update.
Note: The best way to measure a trend is to examine each pollster on an individual basis, their design and look for potential for flaws of bias. The table I provided should NOT be used to draw any conclusions. If you examine the second line graph with Harris-Decima a trend line can be applied.
Again I don't recommend in over analyzing a Poll in a bubble. Look at the financial health of each party as it is estimated to cost nearly $ 20 million to run a national campaign, the leader is he visiting new ridings or old ridings trying to shore up or save the furniture. Campaigns matter.
 Nik Nanos here.
Harris-Decima here
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