Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nik Nanos Poll: Confirm Out of Touch Coalition Parties

The latest national review from Nik Nanos Research from March 6 - 12, 2010. I have included a few details including an article from a Bloomberg Article and the Nik Nanos review.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has warned that a global economic recovery could falter, saying Group of 20 nations need to press ahead with stimulus measures. While recent data have shown Canada’s economy is recovering, unemployment hasn’t declined much from the highest in more than a decade and exporters are still struggling with a strong currency and weak U.S. orders. - Bloomberg

The Government has been busy talking up the good economic news, pushing back on countries who are creating barriers to global trade. The Government has been reminding Canadians of importance to continue with the stimulus spending for 2010. In 2009 the opposition attacked the government for being too slow in delivering the stimulus.

Canadian Economy
  • 82% stronger or no change
Real Estate
  • 85.3% increase value or stay the same
Personal Finances
  • 69% better off or no change

Wedge Issues for the opposition?

Canadian Economy views, Real Estate largest investment for most Canadians , Personal Finances (Net worth)

Opposition Campaign to be finalized:

  • Lower Credit Card Bank Fees.
  • Bank Executive Pay.
  • Taliban rights for a comfortable detention.
  • Funding for 3rd World Abortion.
  • State run daycare because "stay at home parents need a real job".
  • Job Security Pension for Public Private Unions.
  • Quebec's HST Forestry Payoff
  • Carbon Tax
  • Increase G.S.T.
  • Flyers 10%'s only from your MP.
  • Extra Funding for CBC Programming  
What exactly are the opposition going to campaign on?


Patrick Ross said...

Ignatieff needs plausible deniability that his "Canada 150" conference isn't just a smokescreen for the Liberal Party.

Considering that they're charging their attendees a pretty hefty fee to attend (and all that money's going to go somewhere), they're going to have a hard time defending that notion.

CanadianSense said...

It was funny had no title on this post and two were combined.

If Ignatieff is starting to get tough with his MP's requiring them to get their ridings campaign ready I applaud his efforts.

I suggested earlier the funding limits were already maxed and they could not donate more.

They have not closed the gap with the CPC.

Outreach to non-Liberals is a good idea. The fee is great for recovering some of the costs for hosting the boys night out in Montreal.

Let's hope he drops the silly questions in QP for real alternatives from this meeting.

The_Iceman said...

Team Iggy are now leaking stories to Taber that they are going to lose a lot of money on the conference. It just seems odd that Liberal officials would be the one to release what should be an embarassing story. I suppose that is an attempt to justify the $700 a seat ticket prices.

Canada's economic recovery has been very strong, but I am very concerned about Obama collapsing the US economy. That would be really bad news and would drag us down regardless of how strong our performance has been in this recovery.

wilson said...

Fear not Iceman... Quebec is getting into the Oil and Gas business!
BC offshore drilling can not be far behind. They have toyed with the idea since 1970, and maybe now the tree huggers will not have so much stroke, maybe.

Seriously tho, the Harper Government has been very aggressively courting other countries, opening up investment rules and cutting corp taxes.

Except for our French Resistance movement, Canada is a very very stable country to do business in.
And yes, Oil and Gas will bouy our economy even if the US fails.

CanadianSense said...

The Google pullout is the first salvo of American mistrust of Chinese respecting international law.

China won't let their currency rise and G8 is trying to pressure them.

Socialist European countries can't meet crushing debt levels without serious cuts.

Is Germany going to buy those failed states?

The US has not recovered with real estate, employment and a number of failed states (California debt).

We are not 'out of the woods' and that is why an election may take place before a double dip.

When are those American elections?

CanadianSense said...

The Liberal Party has over $ 3 million in debt before M.I. was given the reigns. The regular donors numbers have not improved substantially to close the gap. In 2010 they won't have a convention fee and leadership to double dip.

On second thoughts, maybe they will have another leadeship convention in 2011 after the election.

Ignatieff has been working hard to get them to lower their expectations and drop natural governing party from their vocabulary.

I have said 23% is not out of the realm for them to drop.